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Presbia is a small town on the shore, right next to the Island City. It was founded during the time of Ruth the Uniter as a holding bay for supplies and personal while they built what would go on to be the Island City. Construction efforts would often be lengthy, going months or even years. Later efforts during the founding of the Sacerdozio went even longer.
As a result, more facilities were needed, residences, a temple, a market, and so on and so forth. Soon it became a permanent fixture in the area, useful for Godshards to meet with others outside the island and a buffer against attackers. The people of Presbia enjoy plentiful trade and dutiful protection from their Godshard allies, for the town has always looked to the Sacerdozio for protection and leadership.
This state of affairs was made official after the Imperial Terror, as the Benelim wished for the Sacerdozio to have a buffer state to give more obstacles should the Imperium rise again. Lazarus reluctantly conceded on the matter, and even Magdaline recognized their hands were tied.
Despite their concerns however, the bond between Presbia and Island City is to both parties benefit. Futhermore as rumors abound of daemons, the people of Presbia will need help from the patrons now more than ever...
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